Popular YouTuber Korean Billy has been featured on the BBC’s Have I Got a Bit More News For You!

          SEE ALSO: Korean YouTuber Takes on British Accents

Korean Billy is a Korean YouTuber who is well known for his educational, yet funny, videos which go into the different accents in Britain. These videos have proved themselves popular with Koreans learning English, as there isn’t much materiel for them to learn any other variation of English other than American.

Have I Got News For You is a comedy quiz show which involves celebrity comedians answering questions about the week’s top stories. Korean Billy was brought up when a question about Northern accents was asked. “Who might be our knight in shining armour when it comes to preserving Northern accents?”. Then, quickly realising that nobody will guess who, Korean Billy’s video on the Liverpool accent begins to play, leaving the contestants in shock and then in laughter.

Check out the BBC segment below!

You can also see the original video below, the clip used by the BBC begins at 1:59.


About Author

UKP writer and resident Blackjack.