This week’s song of the week is 4Minute’s latest comeback- Cold Rain!

The song
4Minute comeback with a refreshing ballad for their latest single. It’s a different change from their usual loud-and-proud songs they come out with, but that’s both good and bad. While the storyline – about being naïve and in love – is pretty overused, 4Minute manage to do it justice by using the form of a traditional ballad and their soft yet strong voices bring it to life pretty well. However, it was a difficult song to get stuck into at first. The members did amazing jobs with their individual parts but I couldn’t really ‘hear’ them all that well and at times it felt like I was watching it through frosted glass.

The video
‘Cold Rain’ really shows off the mature and sophisticated side of the girls. They all give off a serious aura, a difference from their usual spunky attire shown in previous videos. The effects especially the rain effects, were done really well and made up for the slight down of the song. The change of direction was done really well and the clothes matched the winter concept they went for. All in all, I enjoyed watching the video a lot.


About Author

New writer and resident ARMY