PSY made K-pop history today by becoming the first ever K-pop artist to make it into the UK Official Top 40! On Friday, we asked whether Gangnam Style could be the first Korean song to make it into the UK charts and today we got our answer. Coming in at the outside of the chart, the song got to number 37 but received an overall positive reaction both from Reggie Yates and the listeners who tweeted in their reactions who praised the for it’s catchiness, great video, fun dance and just overall craziness.

As the Gangnam Style craze explodes all over the world, with PSY having made several appearances on some of America’s most popular TV shows (he is currently filming for Saturday Night Live!) It’s now starting to grip the UK, with London-based K-pop dance crew, LoKo on Channel 4 Brunch this morning to teach the presenters the dance and the music video appearing all over the digital TV music channels and it looks like it will only get more popular over the coming weeks, especially as now that it is in the Top 40 it is likely to get playlisted by the major chart radio stations and get more regular airplay.

So congratulations to PSY! And we want to know your thoughts: Now that PSY has made it to the chart will this mean better opportunities for K-pop artists in general or is this a one off viral hit? Let us know in the comments below.


About Author

Former writer at UnitedKpop, you can now find me at Beyond Hallyu.