Gather ‘round, fans of The Ark! Former members Jeon Minju and Euna Kim have just teamed up in a fresh new duo: KHAN.

This is not the first time the two have made a song together, but it marks a departure from their previous hip-hop oriented style.

The most distinctive aspect of this debut is the lightness of it. From the music video, to the instrumental, to the vocal style – everything about it is light and spirited and effervescent. Which is an odd descriptor considering how pared-back the song actually is.




KHAN released I’m Your Girl on 23rd May 2018 and it features Euna, rapper, and Minju, vocalist and former The Ark leader. It’s the kind of song that is incredibly easy to listen to. It’s also not the type of song that’s usually heard on the kpop circuit. For that too, I’m Your Girl it’s incredibly fresh.

Minju’s voice is high and girlish in its sweetness, but it’s punctuated it with low, rough notes. Euna’s voice, on the other hand, is incredibly characteristic, and it carries through both her rapping and singing tone. But it’s lower than Minju’s, so there’s a continual contrast and interchange between the two tones throughout the track.



The music video revolves around the bond between the two girls. From the way that they singing melts together in harmony, to the way that their choreography connects them to each other.

There’s a love line between Minju and Euna, told through stolen glances and intertwined hands. They sing the lyrics to each other from a distance. But throughout the video there are insert shots of them closing that distance through their dance.

It works because of the smoothness in the vocals and in the rap, and also because both girls are incredibly charismatic – together and individually.

I’m Your Girl is just the kind of song that never fails to put a smile on your face, especially with the fun, quirky anchor: ‘bing bing bing bing bing’.

It’s different, but still so central to what we know of Minju and Euna as artists.  Light, but still so incredibly substantial in its artistry. Mature, without failing to embrace the happiness and joy of music.

It’s a fantastic debut, through and through.

100% Awesome
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