On the same note as our previous article about getting Kpop goods shipped to the UK, we introduce another site.This time, as the image suggests, we’re introducing KpopTown. KpopTown is similar to Yes Asia [which we introduced last time]except on a smaller scale, and sells Kpop goods exclusively. Compared to YesAsia, KpopTown has cheaper P&P and quicker delivery time, but they don’t have the same variety. They seem to be quite choosy in what they put up for sale as SNSD’s first Japanese album is up, yet neither BEAST or MBLAQ’s Japanese singles are. Choosiness aside, they do have great prices and offer the option of a folded poster, an unfolded poster or no poster at all. They also sell replica clothes as seen on idols and sell clothes by idols – e.g. BIGBANG x UNIQLO T-shirts. Plus they stock drama merchandise and even cosmetics such as the much famed BB cream.

On average, items purchased from KpopTown reach the UK about 1-2 weeks after shipping. Items are usually shipped a few days after purchase. As a frequent user of KpopTown myself, I would say the longest I’ve had to wait was 3-4 weeks, and that was a one off. Most things I buy come in about a week or so. The packaging is good quality, all CDs are bubble wrapped and unfolded posters are tubed with bubble wrap in either end to prevent damage to the edges of the poster. On the site itself, you can choose to display prices in £s instead of the default $s, which due to conversion rates, results in a lower price.

The site itself is easy to navigate, everything is categorised by artist and product. On some products the URL reflects a different product, I believe this may be a small glitch. Don’t be worried though, it doesn’t affect your purchase, whatever you click buy on will be what turns up at your door, not whatever different product that may have appeared in the URL.

Paypal isn’t necessary to use KpopTown, you can enter your [or your Parent’s – with permission of course]credit or debit card details to make a purchase.


★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2


About Author

Freya is the founder of UnitedKpop, steering the ship since 2011. She is a full time graphic designer with lots of love for her two cats. You can see Freya's portfolio at freyabigg.co.uk