Several weeks ago, HMV suggested to UnitedKpop a unique idea to help promote K-pop. There have been flashmobs in UK – most have taken place at Trafalgar Square – but wouldn’t it make more sense to create awareness in a music store, where people can buy K-pop CDs? And so the event began…

Ourselves, Korean Class Massive and Hallyu UK, with the help of UKBIGBANG and YG Queens UK, organised the details via e-mail. The idea was great; dancers would dance suddenly to the Super Junior song “Sorry, Sorry” in the aisles, the video would be up on the video screen and it would be done by the K-pop section. Not long after, we adjusted what was originally our Seoulfuls meet event into the first instore K-pop flashmob event.

The UnitedKpop founder Freya, who had proposed the details, was later unable to attend the flashmob due to travel problems and then another two staff members were then unabled to attend – with one suffering a head injury – and soon enough, the event organisation was put into panic mode, but thankfully through some great team work with the remaining staff and other sites the event pulled together in time and was a great success.

The dancers then arrived – a few had spent the morning in the freezing cold rehearsing in Hyde Park, others had come later and rehearsed in the basement of HMV.We checked that everyone had the dance down and then the waiting began. One of KCM provided the music, although several members of staff from the different sites came prepared, but unfortunately no-one had the music video to go on screen. Although another setback, the results were still great. Everyone who was a staff member and had a camera had a designated spot to film – you’ll see why later-  and it wasn’t long until Super Junior’s song “Superman” blasted through the store. This was to signal everyone to get into place.


The song and dance started – much to the bemusement and confusion of customers – and a fairly large crowd formed around the event. Some were K-pop fans who came down and supported us – thank you! – and others were bewildered customers wondering what on earth was going on. Some of the crowd asked what the song was, as apparently they found it quite catchy, result! Despite all of the setbacks, the flashmob went down a treat and our hardwork really paid off. Thanks to everyone who took part, we hope we can do this again soon!

Check out the footage below.







Again, a big massive thank you to everyone for coming down and supporting us,  to the dancers, to Korean Class Massive and Hallyu UK for their help, and of course to Paul, for helping us arrange this and for suggesting it in the first place. Thanks again to Paul for giving away some free CDs to the dancers, and some to ourselves which are currently being given away in our chat group giveaway.


About Author

Former UnitedKpop writer, you can now find me doing K-pop dance workshops in London with Team LoKo.