To help celebrate the Olympics, the Korean Cultural Centre UK has launched ‘All Eyes On Korea’, a 100 day festival at various venues across London.

The festival has been inspired by the five colours of Korea, each representing North, East, South, West and the Center. It aims to bring Korea’s best creative productions to London.

‘From K-pop to K-Classic, fashion to food, art and cinema ‘All Eyes On Korea’ will be a showcase of the ever popular hallyu, or Korean Wave that is taking the world by storm.’

From June to August, there will be a programme of exhibitions, hand selected performances, concerts and films, before drawing to a close in time for the September Mayor’s Thames Festival at which there will be the ever popular Korea Stage, Korea Calling.


On 17th of April at the KCCUK, the programme officially launched, and they kicked things off with a bang. From the Korea bus, to the flashmob and then to the K-pop part in the evening, the day was full of fun and excitement and of course, support for Korea.

The theme of the K-pop party was ‘Taegeuki’, the Korean flag, and the best Korean flag inspired outfit won a prize. You can check out the festival schedule here.


About Author

Freya is the founder of UnitedKpop, steering the ship since 2011. She is a full time graphic designer with lots of love for her two cats. You can see Freya's portfolio at