Teen Top

I would have to say, Teen Top’s London concert is definitely a favourite of mine. I’m no Angel, but the members sure know how to capture their audience. Between cute interactions with the audience and the members, I left The Forum feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

Due to the concert costs, the number of fans attending wasn’t massive. But what they lacked in size, they definitely made up for in noise. UK Angels began cheering for the members before they had even gotten into the venue, and bursts of cheers continued right up until the members arrived on stage and didn’t stop until the end. I have a strong feeling many Angels couldn’t speak for a while after the concert. Even security was getting in on the action, seeing which side could cheer louder – it was totally the right side, by the way.

Teen TopTeen Top

With Teen Top announcing plans at the press conference to return to the UK for another concert, perhaps the prices will be more reasonable. We know for sure there are many Angels that missed out as some sent messages in for our message book project! The book was signed by many at the concert too and was safely delivered to TOP Media staff. After seeing some of the messages ourselves, we’re sure Teen Top will really enjoy the book.

One of the things that impressed me the most was their dancing abilities. The group sang live for the most of the concert, and with the choreo they pulled off, I’m surprised they didn’t at least make one mistake! Their dancing in person is every bit as good as in their music videos, but I do think they would have benefitted from a larger stage.

Ultimately though, what really impressed me the most, was youngest member Changjo. Now, anyone that knows me, knows I’m never a fan of the younger idols. But as it stands now, I am most definitely proud to be a ‘noona fan’. Changjo is very underrated as a member of Teen Top, although most members are as they’re blown away by Niel’s booming vocals. Joke aside, Changjo’s performance truly surprised me. Especially with their rendition of Olly Mur’s ‘Troublemaker’, I looked up and thought; wow, who’s singing that part? When it turned out to be Changjo I did feel a little bad for never having heard how good he was before, even in listening to Teen Top’s music.

Teen TopTeen Top

Teen Top’s solo and unit stages were also fantastic. Niel and CAP with Bed Rock – which admittedly felt a little awkward to watch (just look up the lyrics). Changjo, Ricky and L.joe with their masked dance performance – it was pretty damned awesome, and it reminded me of something you’d see on a dance contest show, in a really good way. And finally – although he performed first – was Chunji and his solo song. Unfortunately I didn’t recognise the song itself, but not knowing the song doesn’t mean I couldn’t hear his talent. Admittedly Chunji’s vocals weren’t as great as I expected, but I think that was more down to nerves than anything, he did look pretty terrified – aww!


So how did Teen Top do overall? Great singing, check. Amazing dancing, check. Impressive solo and unit stages, check. Fan service, check. Happy atmosphere, check. The only thing left unchecked, is great ticket prices! What else did Teen Top check off for you? Were you there, or will you be there next time?

We’re currently holding a Teen Top giveaway, and what are we giving away you ask? Teen Top’s Artist mini album. But that’s not all, we got it signed just for you guys! If you want the chance to win, check out the giveaway post on Facebook here or the image below. But you better hurry, there’s only 3 days left!!

Teen Top Giveaway


About Author

Freya is the founder of UnitedKpop, steering the ship since 2011. She is a full time graphic designer with lots of love for her two cats. You can see Freya's portfolio at freyabigg.co.uk