After his recent visit to both the Frankfurt and Paris Korean film festivals, actor Jung Woo Sung’s next festival stop brought him to London. A sold out screening of Asura: The City of Madness and question and answer session took place on Friday with the actor and director Kim Sung Soo.

[READ MORE]: NEWS – Actor Jung Woo Sung attends Frankfurt Korean Film Festival

Asura marks the fourth time the director and actor have worked together since 1997, and over twenty years their relationship has grown from simple professionalism to true friendship, Jung stating that Kim could come to him with any idea, and he would take the new adventure with his friend not matter how absurd it may be.

Having worked together on Beat (1997), City of the Rising Sun (1998), Musa – The Warrior (2001) and now Asura, the pair cite each other as inspirational. The director even joked it is because of Jung he is able to ‘live well’. The rapport of the pair was obvious, as they joked and laughed throughout the session.

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In more recent years Jung has expanded his role in the film industry to direction and production; and his experience and knowledge continues to grow. His connection to his roles is apparent. He posed many a thought provoking question during the event, including how the film has the audience questioning how far they are able to distance themselves from violence, and whether one could free themselves from it completely.

Ever the gracious star, Jung took photos with plenty of fans at the festival, and around London where fans were excited to meet him in Bibigo Soho.


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Graphic Designer. Perfectionist. Gothy weirdo. Korean Indie Guru. Supreme witch of UnitedKpop and BritROK covens.