It’s been around 2 weeks since BIGBANG stole the show and won the award for ‘World Wide Act’ against Britney at the MTV EMAs in Belfast. However fans are still on a high from the record breaking 50+ million votes received and overwhelming amounts of tweets bumping BIGBANG to the top of the tweet tracker leader board.

Having attended the EMAs to see BIGBANG, I have to admit I found myself being more interested in what they were doing than watching the rest of the show.

Early in the show there was no sign of them and it had me thinking, “Oh no! They haven’t been invited to sit with the rest of the celebrities!” But it wasn’t long before I spotted Seungri and TOP sitting towards the back. I couldn’t believe it, not only were BIGBANG in the UK, not only were they were in my home town, but they were in the same room as me! And soon Seungri and TOP were joined by Taeyang, Daesung and GD, and being GD biased I actually cried when I spotted him!

Unfortunately with my space beside the stage, I couldn’t get consistent view of them, but they were still there. It was really really nice to see them enjoying the show, nodding their heads and smiling away. But the nicest thing was to see Daesung, all 5 boys together again! I really couldn’t help but giggle myself when Daesung laughed at the streaker who ran on stage! Knowing everything he has been going though recently with the accident, it made my night to see him laugh and smile just as much as it made my night seeing them attending the awards.


Then it was time for the ‘World Wide Act’ Award, and I was shaking! I was really very nervous for them, and when it was announced they won…I went completely crazy! With only two of us VIPs by the stage we tried to make as much noise to show our support of them, and I think we caught the attention of Taeyang and GD several times.

Heres a recording I had started to take, I am very loud, shaking and overly excited – so turn your volume down!


After they received the award I continued to check what they were up to;

They were all very relaxed and seemed to enjoy Lady Gaga’s music and most of all – QUEEN! Seungri especially, he was standing up and really getting into it!

But unfortunately they made a swift exit once the awards were over. Although I have to say, I have never been more proud as a VIP to see them receiving such an award.

I wish BIGBANG the best of luck in breaking the Western music industry!

In other Irish Kpop news; –

Fans from across the North and South of are creating a ‘Congratulations from Ireland’ video for BIGBANG, to thank them for their kindness toward fans during their visit and of course, saying a huge well done!

If you’re another Irish Kpop fan and would like to participate, visit Kpop Ireland

Source: Victoria Jordan


About Author

Freya is the founder of UnitedKpop, steering the ship since 2011. She is a full time graphic designer with lots of love for her two cats. You can see Freya's portfolio at