We’re proud to announce the UnitedKpop Netflix Film Festival! 

From the 17th December for one month we’ll be holding film discussions in our forum about the Korean films available from the on-demand film service Netflix.

So sign up to the UnitedKpop forum, stock up on popcorn, and keep an eye out for more information as we near our UnitedKpop Netflix Film Festival!

Please note: UnitedKpop is not affiliated with Netflix and are not responsible for any charges brought to you outside of the one month free trial of their service, it is your own responsibility to read the terms and conditions upon signing up to their website and cancel the service before the second month if you wish to do so.

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About Author

Graphic Designer. Perfectionist. Gothy weirdo. Korean Indie Guru. Supreme witch of UnitedKpop and BritROK covens.