According to the Oxford University Korea Society Facebook page, it has been confirmed that Super Junior will be visiting Oxford University on the 10th of November!

The Oxford University Korea Society aims to strengthen the bonds between the Korean community at the university. They hold many events celebrating all that is Korean culture, all the way from cuisine to music.

Super Junior are now due to visit the University for a special event on Sunday the 10th November, the day after the SS5 London Concert!

Unfortunately, only those who attended their ‘SOUL OF SEOUL 2013’ event yesterday could get priority tickets for the event involving Super Junior, and as yet, it is unclear how to go about purchasing the rest of the tickets.

Super Junior, Oxford University, OUKS

However, as soon as we have more information on this event, UnitedKpop will update you with everything we know!

[Sources: Oxford University Korea Society Facebook page. @SuperJuniorUK].

[UPDATE (cr: SuperJuniorUK)]

It has been revealed that Super Junior will be acting as guest speakers at the event, so no extra performances! The exact venue is yet to be confirmed. Details on how OUKS and the Oxford University Asia-Pacific Society (APS) members as well as non-members can get tickets will be coming soon!


Hopefully, this means that some tickets will be available to the public too! More updates coming soon!

[UPDATE: (cr: OUKS Facebook Page)]


It has been confirmed that you do not have to be a member of Oxford University to get a ticket to the event!

You will, however, have to purchase a ticket by going onto this page.

Tickets cost £20 with an additional £1.80 service fee for those who do not attend the University.

As yet, it is unclear what exact time the sale will be opened, but we recommend that you keep your eyes peeled tomorrow afternoon to be in with a chance of getting one!

We assume that further details will be released once the remaining tickets have been sold. Stay tuned!


[UPDATE (cr: and Super Junior Official Facebook page)].

Apparently the members Kangin, Eunhyuk, Siwon and Kyuhyun will be the ones speaking at the Oxford Union Debating Chambering on the 10th at 5pm GMT.


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I love writing (especially about K-Pop) and am trying to improve my skills with every post!