Welcome to another Fun Story OTW! This week’s story involves a certain member of Super Junior-M gaining more attention from not only from his fangirls but from a certain new fanboy.

Who are these members you ask? Well it seems as if Super Junior’s Ryeowook has been attentive to his younger member’s recent rise to variety stardom in the reality show ‘Real Man’ where it appears apparent that Super Junior-M’s Henry Lau’s clueless personality has been gaining much popularity with the viewers.

Henry just recently joined the show with its first broadcast with the singer’s first appearance early February, it has only been a series of hilarious events with which the naive member journeyed through. Since being fooled by his fellow Super Junior members of the unrealistic realities he would experience in the army, the poor singer was left to endure the harsh tasks unprepared for which brought immense amounts of laughter and smiles to the audience witnessing his child-like, innocent nature on the show.

One viewer particularly fond of such events was none other than Ryeowook who has been religiously watching the show and ensuring to tweet his fellow member about his humoured reactions too becoming an official fanboy when he stated:

“from now on(,) I’m starting to get the henry diseaseㅠㅠ henry-ya~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ah its funny”

Ryeowook has been over the span of the broadcast until its recent viewing been sending only words of amused encouragement and teasing comments to his younger Super Junior- M member’s lack of knowledge over the Korean military service saying:

“Choco bar Henryㅋㅋㅋㅋ he’s awesome of course, noona ㅋㅋㅋㅋ henry exploded with charm ㅠ thrive!!! ^^ @2in2: i’m going crazy because of henry~ ㅋㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
As expected(, the show) didn’t disappoint me~ㅋㅋ #realman @henrylau89″

Then after the more recent broadcasts:

“This is the first time that I’ve cried because of Henryㅠㅠ. Anticipating on what kind of feelings will he have with our Hyungsik next week^^ Our Henry who has suffered since debuting on Music Bank in 2007 until nowㅠ the Korean ahjumonis who looked at Henry affectionately etc and patted him at the airport this time..I can’t forgetㅠ become an even even more successful man^^”

Are you happy* @henrylau89 you sing well, (cooing sound). Pineapple corporal’s touched expression= my expressionㅋㅋ even rock climbing. You’ve worked hard!! ^^”

*Henry made a song about army, and in the lyrics, he said it’s been hard, but he’s happy happy others are with them.

trans: YoungwoonJungsu

Although Henry did spark surprise in the show when he turned his clueless image upside down by solving a difficult maths riddle on the recent March 17th broadcast. It was apparent on the show that Henry analysed the math equation for a few seconds the commented to his fellow comrades, “This is really easy.”

Both Henry and Ryeowook are busy preparing for their 3rd mini album ‘Swing’, Super Junior-M is set to have a comeback this week, with the music video anticipated for its release on 22nd March during a press conference for the album held in China. You can check out its recent teaser here!



What do you think of Ryeowook’s adorable fanboying over Henry?

Let us know in the comments!

Until next time for another Fun Story OTW!


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Blogger and writer for UnitedKpop.com