Welcome to Replay. Each month members of the UnitedKpop team will share their most replayed tracks of the month. Here are our picks for December.




I’ve tried to keep up with AOMG since they launched and Jay signed really promising artists. I’d never been all that interested in Loco from his featurings but I’m really glad I got his Locomotive album, it’s full of great tracks and the hook in the title track, Thinking About You is really addictive.


Crying Out was a soundtrack for the drama D.O was in, but hearing him sing a solo song was amazing. It showcased his voice, it was melancholy and perfect for the season!


I haven’t been listening to a lot of new songs in December. But I have been travelling back and forth quite a bit and this is my absolute favourite song to listen to while on the road or in flight.


I was surprised to discover this new group and how powerful their vocals were, I was even more surprised to find out there’s only 3 of them. The song is very catchy and instantly addictive – can’t wait to hear more from Purfles!


I found myself drawn to Let Me Know after repeated listens of the Dark & Wild album. Both rapper and vocal liners nail the song’s heartache so well. BTS drop their confident hip-hop swagger that they often demonstrate in their upbeat tracks and present a side that is emotional and vulnerable.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/162610979″ params=”color=ff0000&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


Stay tuned for our top staff picks of 2014, but in the meantime why not tell us what songs have you been addicted to over the past month?


About Author

Graphic Designer. Perfectionist. Gothy weirdo. Korean Indie Guru. Supreme witch of UnitedKpop and BritROK covens.