In May, Korean indie band 57 (pronounced Oh-Chill) will begin their twenty-four show European tour. This two-piece rock duo from Jeonju features male guitarist Junhong Yun (Jun) and female drummer Seol Kim (Snow).

57 blend influences from alternative, garage and punk rock band to share their own electrifying sound. 2015 saw the duo win prizes at two of South Korea’s most prominent band audition competitions. In 2016 the band ventured to the UK for the first time, playing Liverpool Sound City Festival amongst other shows.

Live, the band hit you with a wall of sound you may not expect from a duo, and it does not disappoint. With each track they perform their worth is proven, and the ante is upped.  

Jun and Snow have an intense energy in their performance, Jun flying around the stage as he plays guitar, Snow head-banging and hair-whipping as she drums. Off-stage the play the role of cool-nonchalant rockers convincingly, but the depth of their music proves they are anything but indifferent.

57 will begin their tour at the FOCUS Wales showcase festival on May 11th. Their tour looks set to be the proving ground for material from their upcoming, first full-length album, and should not disappoint.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]
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Information regarding tickets for all shows on their tour can be found via each venue’s website.

Full tour dates:

May 11 : Undegun (Focus Wales), Wrexham (UK)
May 12 : ROC2 Studios (Focus Wales), Wrexham (UK)
May 13 : The Pot – Rhyl (UK)
May 15 : Prince Albert – Brighton (UK)
May 17 : Dublin Castle – London (UK)
May 18 : 81 Renshaw, Liverpool (UK)
May 19 : Stramash – Edinburgh (UK)
May 20 : The Telegraph – Newcastle (UK)
May 21 : Westgarth Social Club – Middlesbrough (UK)
May 26 : Asylum – Chelmsford (UK)
May 27 : Manhattan34 (TDM Festival) – Leicester (UK)
May 29 : West Street Club – Sheffield (UK)
June 2 : Bei Ruth – Berlin (Germany)
June 7 : Chlodna 25 – Warsaw (Poland)
June 9 : Seazone Music & Conference – Sopot (Poland)
June 11 : Watch Docs Festival – Słupsk (Poland)
June 16 : Paris (France) (TBC)
June 17 : Lapin Blanc – Réding (France)
June 19 : Fuel Cafe, Manchester (UK)
June 21 : White Bear – Barnsley (UK)
June 22 : The Exchange – Stoke (UK)
June 23 : The Saddle, Chester Live Festival – Chester (UK)
June 24 : The North, Rhyl (UK)
June 25 : Club 147, Llandudno (UK)


Guest Article by Lore of BritROK
To guest write for UnitedKpop contact Lerah at

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