6 years ago today, UnitedKpop was formed, with the goal of becoming a community for UK K-pop fans. Since those early days, UKP has moved forward leaps and bounds to become the premier news source for Korean music and events in the UK and Europe. We’ve worked hard to shape UnitedKpop into the go-to platform you’ve all come to trust and enjoy – hopefully for more years to come!
Throughout the years we’ve trekked to Korea, interviewed top stars and covered the biggest concerts, all in the name of K-pop in the UK. UK K-pop fans have been at the heart of UnitedKpop since day one, and will continue to be. UnitedKpop is the news outlet for UK fans, and by UK fans and we can’t thank you all enough for the support throughout the years. Without our readers – there would be no UKP!
To celebrate this milestone, some of our team have put together a few words on what UnitedKpop means to them. Let us know in the comments what UKP means to you too!
“To me, UKP means teamwork and community, working together and having each other’s backs”
– Freya (Founder)
“To me, UKP is a place where I can improve my skills and make a real contribution. It’s also a place where I have met fellow K-Pop fan friends.”
– Holly (Editor)
“Being part of UKP is a pleasure. We’re a great team. UKP has given me the chance to photograph some incredible artists and groups, and I’ve met many interesting people because of UKP.”
– Michael (Head Photographer)

Super Junior SS5, Nov 9th 2013. Photo by Michael.
“UKP to me is a team of people who’s passions, when put together, can make something amazing. Everyone has a vital role and is appreciated, which is what I love.”
– Emily (Designer)
“We’re like a big family. we support each other in everything we do and celebrate when we achieve.
UKP means fun, support and trust. Each of us is here for the other and thats what makes it special”
– Jakub (Designer)
“I love how close and supportive everyone is and how unendlessly positive they are. It’s nice that this one interest has bought so many different people together.”
– Lydia (Video Editor)
“UKP is a platform for fans by fans, celebrating and sharing Korean music and culture. The team are such a pleasure and honour to work with. Here’s to six (hopefully more!) years of the website!”
– Amy (Writer)
“I may still be a rookie, but thinking of UKP, I think of a team of fans who are passionate about bringing K-Pop to both Europe and the UK. You can tell that each article is a labor of love as its a form of music and culture that we all over. I can’t wait to see in many more amazing achievements with UKP in the future!”
– Emma (Writer)
“When I think of UKP, I’m proud to say that I’m part of an innovative team and it has allowed me to be able to work with a cool bunch of people who all have come together in the common interest of Korean culture and music. It’s a bonus that I get to write about a topic that I enjoy immensely!”
– Kristine (Writer)

History in London, Feb 21st 2016. Photo by Michael.
“UKP for me is an amazing thing, a shared love of Kpop has brought together a group of really amazing, innovative and creative people who are doing something that takes a lot of hard work and passion. I love that I am a part of something that brings people together; I’ve learned so much from everyone else! I’m positive that as a team we will only continue to learn and grow.”
– Katy (Writer)
“UKP is a platform which has allowed me to build upon my experiences, develop my passion whilst being supported by an amazing team!”
– Sophia (Writer)
“UKP, to me, means writing about your passions to those with similar interests. Writing for UKP has allowed me to meet amazing people, improve my writing and learn more about wider Korean culture and music and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store”
– Lerah (Writer)
“To me UKP started as an exciting thought about the possibility of getting to interview a band and work harder on learning Korean to do so; I didn’t know if I could write news or articles in an interesting way but I knew I could put all my heart into trying. I never imagined what it would grow into. I haven’t been around long and I have had a really bumpy ride this year, but UKP has been a beacon of positivity in the back of my mind. UKP has grown into a way for me to share in a true passion with truly passionate people. It’s not just news and fun, it’s not just padding for a writing resume – it’s family. It’s love. It’s creativity and freedom in a world that is trying so hard to cripple those things right now. It’s breaking boundaries across the world and showing reader and writer alike, like me, who really need it right now, that anything is possible.
UKP is… proof.”
– Locke (Writer)