‘s ‘Gangnam Style’ has been recieving an awful lot of coverage from almost every UK news outlet in exsistence recently. This has left a lot of British K-Pop fans incredibly happy and excited as they postulate the potential future presence of K-Pop in their home country.

However, there have also undoubtedly been a lot of K-Pop fans left a little bit disappointed at the lack of breadth and depth in the coverage given on the genre.

Today, the BBC News Official website features a short video report on PSY’s phenomenal amount of success, but also ventured into how South Korea has been, and will continue using K-Pop acts as one of their top cultural exports.

The report acknowledges that K-Pop, as well as Korean drama series are some of the biggest money-makers for South Korea, especially in recent years.

You can watch the video report here.

Groups Girl’s Generation and BIGBANG got a mention in the report, so this hopefully means that the coverage of K-Pop in UK reports may go beyond the crazy antics of PSY.

What do you think of the BBC News report?
Share your opinions!

[Sources used:, Google Images].


About Author

I love writing (especially about K-Pop) and am trying to improve my skills with every post!