Today I’ll be bringing you something different to my usual product reviews in the form of SNP’s Animal Otter Aqua mask. Korea really are at the forefront with their skincare routines, and there are an abundance of serums, creams and a whole array of other products to pick from that will keep your skin in its best condition. In total SNP have 4 different variations on the animal sheet mask range. Each has its own different properties-The Otter is for hydration and moisturising the skin, the Dragon design is for soothing, the Tiger design boosts elasticity and combats wrinkles and finally- the Panda design is for brightening and whitening the skin.


The SNP Animal sheet masks contain 750mg of coconut water. And while you’re wearing the mask and having your skin absorb the ingredients you’ll find that this will leave the skin a lot softer. As well as relieving any inflammation, and combating blemishes on the skin. Overall the masks really promise to help the complete condition of the skin! This’ll make any makeup applications afterwards sit perfectly smooth and have a flawless finish.

The colder weather we’ve had recently really has taken its toll on my skin- so I was extremely excited to try the Otter mask to hopefully boost my skins hydration levels! On the pack, the instructions recommend cleansing and toning the skin before applying the mask to get the best results. After this you can sit back and relax for between 10~20 minutes and then patting in any remaining essence left into the skin.


After I followed the cleansing and toning steps using my usual products I popped the mask on. I made sure to ensure it sat properly around my eyes and nose so all my skin could absorb its hydrating properties. The mask itself really is adorable! It definitely adds some fun to using a sheet mask, and the rest of my family found it funny to have me walking around with an otter face. What’s great about the mask too is that it really has a lot of the essence in the pack, so I actually found I could refold the mask and get another use out of it at another time. To make sure I got the best result possible, I let the mask sit on for 20 minutes so my skin had plenty of time to absorb the product. And after taking it off, my face felt so refreshed! When patting the leftover essence in I found it hadn’t left a sticky residue either. My skin was a lot softer and smoother after using this too, so for an adorable mask that really makes a difference you can’t really go wrong!


I definitely want to get my hands on the other designs soon, and see how the rest of the range match up to the Otter!

[Have you tried any sheet masks before? Let me know your opinions below!]

If you want to try the mask for yourself you can find a pack of 10 on GMarket HERE.


About Author

Novice writer & Korean fashion enthusiast