Want to tell someone you’re addicted to Kpop, or just the way they toss their hair out of their eyes? EXO can help you out. Their track Overdose from May 2014 has got a lot of useful vocab for the sick (of heart and body).

Objective: Learn some sickness-related words

Let’s focus on a useful phrase, the third line: [0.55 in the MV]
This is clearly a dangerous addiction = 이건 분명 위험한 중독

this = 이건 iggum
clearly = 분명 bunmyong
to be dangerous = 위험하다 uehamhada
an addiction = 중독 chungdok

Addiction pops up again in the third line of the chorus: [1:27 and 2:26 in the MV]
Love sickness, addiction, overdose = 사랑은 병, 중독, overdose

love = 사랑 sarang
sickness, disease = 병 byong

Some other useful health words also appear in the second verse of the song:
breath = 숨 sum
to be choked = 질식 되다 chilshik toida
shiver = 전율 chonyul
blood = 피 pi
medicine = 약 yak

and in the rap:
fingertip = 손끝 sonkkut
thirst = 갈증 kalchong
to die = 죽다 chukda


About Author

British writer and editor living in Japan. Currently studying Japanese, Korean, K-pop dance, and the fine form of 이성종's legs.