Directed by Eon-hie Lee, Missing is a 2016 thriller that revolves around the abduction of an infant. Struggling PR worker and recent divorcee Ji-sun, balances both her job and motherhood with difficulty. Her young daughter Da-eun spends most of the day and night with hired nanny, Han-mae. Han-mae effortlessly bonds with Da-eun to a scarily maternal point and one day, disappears with Ji-sun’s child.
The messy divorce case and the ordeal with custody is in the back of Ji-sun’s mind as she takes it upon herself to track down Han-mae and rescue her daughter. She is aware of her position in the case as a mother who “neglects” her child to work and leaves her in the hands of a nanny for most of the time and feels like this would be nail in the coffin to prove her as unfit for custody.
It’s typical cat and mouse chase thriller with a myriad of surprises and plot twists. If you’re a fan of thrillers and like to play along as detective, you’ll love Missing!