Hello, My Twenties! aka Age of Youth is a slice of life drama focusing on the lives of five twenty-something year old housemates. Residing in a group house suitably named Bella Epoque, this “beautiful era” is narrated through the eyes of Jin-Myung, Ye-Eun, Eun-Jae, Ji-Won and Yi-Na. Every twenty-something year old can relate to something in this rollercoaster of a drama! Wherever you are in your life at the moment, you can find familiarity in the character’s lives and decisions.

Let’s dive into the character profiles! Jin-Myung supports herself through college by working three jobs. Independent and self-assured, Jin-Myung carries a heavy burden that isolates her from her friendship group and anyone who tries to break her harsh exterior. Ye-Eun dotes after her boyfriend who seems to continuously let her down. She disguises her failing relationship with lies and her friends are clueless to it. Eun-Jae is the newbie to the group and finds herself lost in this new era of her life. She is timid and naive but Eun-Jae is another girl with a burdening secret. Yi-Na is extremely popular due to her good looks and charisma. She isn’t shy to admit she enjoys sleeping around and gets paid to fund her luxurious lifestyle. Ji-Won is a villager who moves into the big city, she has a sparkling personality and psychic tendencies. Ji-Won sees ghosts and is plagued by one in particular…


Whilst the plot revolves around five very different lifestyles, the drive of the narrative comes from the mysteriously ghostly presence in the cupboard. Ji-Won senses this black aura that she began to feel once Eun-Jae moved in. Ji-Won describes it as a ghost which creates an unsettling vibe in the background. Eun-Jae feels particularly drawn to the ghost which creates uncertainty around her as a character and the secret she harbours…

This drama is available on Netflix UK and it is definitely a must-watch! It’s a light-hearted, empowering story with some tear-jerking scenes, laugh out loud moments of hilarity and shocking reveals throughout. It is the perfect drama to beat the January blues!

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About Author

Writer, Cinephile and 75% Kimchi